Grow your people, grow your business.

The L&D Marketplace that helps fast-growing businesses attract, upskill and retain their people.

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“We saved 200+ hours of L&D admin time through implementing Learnerbly”

“We saw a 12 point increase in our growth and development driver”

“People are finally learning. We’ve seen a 400% increase in learning budget utilisation.”

Save everyone time with a simple, one-click approval process.

Hours saved is hours better spent when you don’t need to manually process, purchase and invoice learning requests.

We handle the admin work and condense monthly purchases into a single invoice… let’s just say your finance team will love you for it.

We curate the best learning providers so you don’t have to.

You’re not an expert in the skills needs of every team or person, and you don’t need to be.

We hand-pick the best learning providers and resources, put only what’s relevant in front of each learner and suggest resources based on what will help them grow.

Social features that foster a culture of learning.

A live feed of requests and learning trends, a Slack integration and a recommendation feature all work together to embed learning in your organisation.

When learning is visible your people are more inspired to learn.

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How it Works

You provide your people with a personal learning budget

Learning budgets empower your people to invest in their development, filling important skills gaps and making them feel valued.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know Learnerbly has the right content for my people?

With over 250 providers on the platform ranging from course providers like Pluralsight and Skillshare, to hundreds of books, apps like Perlego and Blinkist, and even coaches - no other L&D solution offers the breadth and depth of content that we do. We’re constantly adding new content and work closely with our users on adding value to the platform.

Do we need to have a personal learning budget in place?

Whilst you don’t need a pre-existing learning budget to get set up on Learnerbly, you will need to put a learning budget in place in order to use the platform.

How much learning budget do I need to give to my people?

We recommend an annual budget of £400 per learner. Typically, the greater the investment in people’s development, the greater the impact on the company. Learnerbly customers offer anywhere from £150 to £1500 annually.

Will my people use Learnerbly when we have so many HR tools already?

Compared to other learning solutions, Learnerbly sees 3x-4x more engagement from users. Your people want to progress in their career and Learnerbly's self-led and personalised approach makes it inviting for them to do so. Our Customer Success team supports the implementation of Learnerbly for Strategic and Enterprise level clients throughout so that together you can strategise ways to engage and inspire your people.

How much time does it take to implement Learnerbly?

You can be up and running in as little as two weeks! Our Customer Success team works as an extension of your People team, making sure your launch is smooth and that your people are excited to get started.

How does it work for the Finance team?

Finance teams love Learnerbly. Instead of processing invoices, reclaiming VAT, raising purchase orders for a range of providers, they'll receive one invoice with a list of all transactions made on the platform. It's easy and effortless for them to track L&D spend.

Is Learnerbly an LMS, an LXP or something else?

We're not an LMS, an LXP or an eLearning library. Those solutions are used to deliver internal, top-down, mandatory learning. Learnerbly is built to encourage self-directed, bottom-up learning. That's why we see 3-4x higher engagement rates than other learning platforms. Many Learnerbly clients use us alongside their LMS or LXP while others use us in place of them. Every organisations needs are different and we can help you figure out what's best for you.

They spend it in our learning marketplace

Your people can easily and confidently find the learning resource that’s right for them from our 250+ providers.

We manage learning requests so you don’t have to

Once your managers have approved their people’s learning requests, we handle the rest.

You get one monthly invoice

We make it easy for you and your finance team to manage the admin of L&D, even as your business grows.

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